Advice for applying skills acquired through mentorship (personal perspective)

Advice for applying skills acquired through mentorship (personal perspective)

My first full-time job after completing my Ph.D. in world history involved teaching and administration, where I had to oversee a curriculum, manage instructors, and teach classes. I felt underprepared in these areas, wishing I had formal training, despite having some teaching experience during my Ph.D. Later, as I moved into roles supporting postdocs and … Read more

Harnessing the Potential of Arts Education and Mentorship through Erica Halverson

Harnessing the Potential of Arts Education and Mentorship through Erica Halverson

Mike Palmer delves into the insights of Erica Halverson, a former theater artist who is now an education professor at the prestigious University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is also the host of the Arts Educators Save the World Podcast. Halverson passionately argues that the arts should revolutionize how we approach teaching and learning across all subjects. … Read more