Guide for Learning and Development Professionals: Strategies for Multigenerational Education

Guide for Learning and Development Professionals: Strategies for Multigenerational Education

L&D Playbook For Multigenerational Learning: Meeting the Needs of Every Team Member Low employee engagement, high turnover, and limited knowledge sharing are common challenges for organizations today. However, creating a comprehensive training plan can help you avoid these obstacles and achieve long-term success. This playbook for multigenerational learning is designed to assist you in creating … Read more

The significance of high school math placement should not be determined by subjective recommendations.

The significance of high school math placement should not be determined by subjective recommendations.

Enrolling students in high school math courses is a critical decision that can significantly impact their future college opportunities and career paths. The pressure to reach Calculus by senior year often leads to the expectation of completing Algebra I by eighth grade. While Algebra I is typically a ninth grade course, taking it on this … Read more

Analyzing Mary Meeker’s Report on AI and Higher Education

Analyzing Mary Meeker’s Report on AI and Higher Education

In this episode of Trending in Education, Mike Palmer delves into Mary Meeker’s latest report from Bond Capital, “AI and Universities: Will Masters of Learning Master New Learnings?” Mike examines Meeker’s insights on global market capitalization leaders, the accelerating adoption of digital platforms, and the U.S.’s dominance in machine learning models and AI investment in … Read more

Owner of Los Angeles Times Declines to Endorse Presidential Candidate; Editor Steps Down in Protest

Owner of Los Angeles Times Declines to Endorse Presidential Candidate; Editor Steps Down in Protest

Ever since Dr. Soon-Shiong vetoed the editorial board’s plan to endorse Kamala Harris for president, I have been struggling with my feelings about the implications of our silence. I told myself that presidential endorsements don’t really matter; that California was not ever going to vote for Trump; that no one would even notice; that we … Read more

IXL Officially Recognized by Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as a State-Approved Supplemental Literacy Program for Grades K-5

IXL Officially Recognized by Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education as a State-Approved Supplemental Literacy Program for Grades K-5

IXL, the personalized learning platform used by 16 million students, has been recognized as a High-Quality Evidence-Based Instructional Material for Early Literacy by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE). This designation allows eligible local education agencies in Missouri to request reimbursement for purchasing IXL Language Arts to enhance early literacy instruction. With … Read more

Reflecting on the Past: Many Educational Researchers Overlook a Crucial Insight on Reading Strategies that Most Teachers are Aware of

Reflecting on the Past: Many Educational Researchers Overlook a Crucial Insight on Reading Strategies that Most Teachers are Aware of

(I’m republishing my best posts from the first half of the year. You can see the entire list of them here)   ninosouza / Pixabay   Just about every time I read a piece on reading strategies written by an education researcher – even from the best, like Daniel Willinghman, who wrote this recent one … Read more

Penn State launches campaign to promote tutoring services for vulnerable students

Penn State launches campaign to promote tutoring services for vulnerable students

Overall, the efforts at Penn State to increase student awareness and utilization of tutoring services through technology and personalized outreach have shown promising results. By leveraging data and technology, the university has been able to connect students to the resources they need at the right time, ultimately improving student outcomes and success. As the program … Read more

Framework for Bloom: Integration of GPTs and Conventional Educational Measures

Framework for Bloom: Integration of GPTs and Conventional Educational Measures

The rise of generative pre-trained transformers (GPTs) is not only enhancing the learning experience but also fundamentally transforming the processes of teaching and assessment. There is mounting evidence that Bloom’s framework is becoming outdated in the era of GPTs, necessitating a shift in how we measure development and learning. The impending collapse of Bloom’s taxonomy … Read more

Study finds community college students located far from a four-year university are less inclined to transfer

Study finds community college students located far from a four-year university are less inclined to transfer

Madera Community College is located in the rural Central Valley, with Fresno State being the closest four-year public university approximately 22 miles away. The proximity of community colleges to four-year universities plays a significant role in the transfer rates of students. A recent study by the RP Group, a nonprofit organization conducting research for California’s … Read more

Fueling the Fire: Unleashing Student Potential through Motivation in Horizon 3 Education

Fueling the Fire: Unleashing Student Potential through Motivation in Horizon 3 Education

Kayden, a student at Big Picture School, had always been interested in music production. Traditional schools didn’t offer much in the way of music production classes or opportunities for Kayden to pursue his passion. However, at Big Picture School, Kayden was able to create his own personal learning plan that focused on music production. He … Read more