Study Reveals the Benefits of Retrieval Practice and Emphasizes the Importance of Explaining the Reasoning Behind Tasks to Students

Study Reveals the Benefits of Retrieval Practice and Emphasizes the Importance of Explaining the Reasoning Behind Tasks to Students

A new study has recently been released, indicating that students are more likely to utilize retrieval practice as a studying technique if they are given an explanation of why it works and the reasoning behind it. This finding aligns with the idea that individuals, including students, are more inclined to engage in a task if … Read more

Importance of Mindfulness: Caregivers Assisting Parkinson’s Patients in Meditation Practice

Importance of Mindfulness: Caregivers Assisting Parkinson’s Patients in Meditation Practice

Caring for someone with Parkinson’s disease can be challenging. The symptoms can make life difficult for both the individual with the disease and their caregiver. One thing that can greatly help is practicing mindfulness. But what exactly is mindfulness, and how can caregivers utilize it to improve the well-being of Parkinson’s patients? Mindfulness involves focusing … Read more