The Power of Classic Literature, Bestselling Novels, and Increased Reader Participation – Unleashing the Magic!

The Power of Classic Literature, Bestselling Novels, and Increased Reader Participation – Unleashing the Magic!

By R. S. Hill As a high school English teacher in Tucson, Arizona, I work at one of the most diverse schools in the state. Most days, I stand before an apathetic, though inquisitive, audience and try to convince—no, sell—15 to 18-year-olds on the radical idea that reading old texts like the Iliad, Beowulf, and … Read more

Nonprofit organizations should work towards enhancing student voter participation | EdSource

Nonprofit organizations should work towards enhancing student voter participation | EdSource

Photo: Andrew Reed/EdSource Every election cycle, we hear about the challenges of getting certain groups of people to vote. This is especially true for younger and more diverse voters, who typically vote at rates well below other groups. Often, the disconnect between these voters and the ballot box is caused by structural barriers; sometimes it … Read more