Reflecting: Enhancing the Sentence Expansion Strategy in My ELL Newcomers Class With a Twist

Reflecting: Enhancing the Sentence Expansion Strategy in My ELL Newcomers Class With a Twist

In a previous post, I discussed my efforts to accelerate the understanding of basic sentence construction for my ELL Newcomers. I explained how I was using “Sentence Navigators” as a strategy to help them grasp sentence structure more effectively. These navigators are essentially puzzle-like sentence patterning charts that students can use to practice forming sentences. … Read more

Reflecting on: Overcoming Three Obstacles in My ELL Newcomers Classroom and My Strategies for Success

Reflecting on: Overcoming Three Obstacles in My ELL Newcomers Classroom and My Strategies for Success

Teaching English Language Learner (ELL) newcomers can be both rewarding and challenging. One of the main challenges is the constant influx of new students, each with their own unique academic backgrounds and home languages. However, these challenges are balanced by the assets these students bring, such as life experiences and a strong desire to learn. … Read more