‘Challenging the patriarchy: A hit Indian film that empowers women to support each other’

‘Challenging the patriarchy: A hit Indian film that empowers women to support each other’

“I wanted to show that women, when they are in a community, can really support each other and find strength,” she says. “There’s a lot of warmth in these relationships, and I wanted to explore that. It’s not just about romantic love, but also about the love and support we can find in our friendships … Read more

Costa Rican Film Empowers Grandmothers with Two Children Who Were Unaware of Orgasms

Costa Rican Film Empowers Grandmothers with Two Children Who Were Unaware of Orgasms

“Women are always burning inside,” says Antonella Sudasassi Furniss, over video call from Costa Rica. So they were in her 2019 debut as a writer and director, The Awakening of the Ants, in which a mother maddened by patriarchal oppression lays waste to a birthday cake at a children’s party. ‘These things have to be … Read more