‘Unprecedented Chaos: Andrea Arnold and Robbie Ryan Reflect on 21 Years of Film and Friendship’

“But he always is. He always makes time for her. They have a shorthand, a shared language. They trust each other implicitly. “I think we both like risk,” Arnold says. “We like to feel a bit scared. We like that feeling of being on the edge.” Ryan nods. “It’s about pushing boundaries,” he says. “And pushing each other.”

Arnold looks at him, affection in her eyes. “It’s like being in love, isn’t it?”

Ryan grins. “It is,” he says. “It really is.”

For Ryan, his relationship with Andrea is more than just loyalty – it is his foundation. He credits her for being the reason he is where he is today. Even Andrea believes that Ryan would be fine on his own, but Ryan disagrees, stating that he has had more fun with this version of himself. Despite the long process of making Arnold’s films, Ryan enjoys the challenge of shooting different kinds of films and has recently finished working on Lanthimos’s next project.

Ryan and Arnold share a love for music, with both of them DJ’ing at different events the following night. Ryan plays funk, soul, and reggae at his regular gig, while Arnold is feeling the pressure of DJ’ing at her daughter’s birthday party. She has prepared three playlists and plans to read the room before deciding which one to go with.

Arnold plays a song by Lova Lova, a Congolese rapper, and expresses her admiration for the video, stating that she wants to make a film like it someday. From Dartford to London to the Democratic Republic of Congo, Arnold has taken great leaps in her life and may continue to do so in the future.

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Bird is set to be released in the UK on 8 November.