Punk Rock Memories Captured in Images: Reflecting on the Second Coming

These photographs capture the essence of the punk and new wave music scenes in London, New York, and LA, taken by DB Burkeman during the years 1976 to 1982. At that time, Burkeman was a young school dropout grappling with substance abuse issues. Instead of developing the rolls of film he shot, they were left untouched in a drawer next to his bed while he struggled with his personal challenges.

It wasn’t until many years later, after the passing of his mother, that Burkeman finally came across these forgotten images. As he cleared out his old bedroom, he stumbled upon a treasure trove of memories from the punk rock era. All the photographs featured here were taken by DB Burkeman and offer a unique glimpse into a time of cultural revolution.

Burkeman’s collection, titled Crash Bang: Pictures from a Punk, is now available from Blurring Books for those interested in diving deeper into this iconic period of music history.”

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