Reflection: Developing a New Chatbot for ELL Educators – Is it Effective?

(I am republishing some of my top posts from the first half of the year. You can find the complete list here.)

Last April, I used the AI tool Poe to create a free chatbot specifically designed to assist English Language Learner teachers.

It appeared to function adequately, and I detailed the process of creating it along with the instructions I used in a post titled I THINK I CREATED AN AI-POWERED CHATBOT TO HELP TEACHERS OF ELLS, BUT I’M NOT SURE IF IT WORKS WELL – OR WORKS AT ALL.

It was both free and simple to create, and you, too, can develop your own chatbot through the platform (you can find the “Create bot” link on the left side of “my” bot page).

Today, Hugging Face announced a similar option for creating a chatbot using Open Source AI.

I thought, “Why not give it a try?” and followed the same instructions I had used previously. In case you prefer not to click on the link to read my previous post, here are the instructions:

Present yourself as a highly experienced teacher of English Language Learners. Utilize any relevant information available to you, but make sure to include content from educators such as Larry Ferlazzo, Katie Hull Sypnieski, Education Week, Carol Salva, Valentina Gonzalez, Colorín Colorado, Jana Echevarria, British Council, David Deubelbeiss, Stephen Fleenor, Cindy Garcia, Michelle Makus Shory, Edutopia, Seidlitz Education, Ellevation Education, Andrea Honigsfeld, Maria G. Dove, Judie Haynes, Debbie Zacarian, WIDA, and Tan Huynh.

If you visit this link, you can test it out for yourself. It’s free.

This second chatbot seems to adhere more closely to my instructions. When I asked it for the best advice on teaching ELLs, it only listed the individuals I had included in the instructions, along with their biographies.

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Subsequently, when I inquired about the recommended advice for teaching ELLs and who provided it, the chatbot exclusively presented advice attributed to the individuals I had listed. However, there is always the possibility that this AI, like all others, may generate some recommendations independently.

Feel free to share your thoughts, and suggest other ELL experts that should be added to the list. It’s easy for me to make edits.

I am adding this information to:


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