Reflecting on: Overcoming Three Obstacles in My ELL Newcomers Classroom and My Strategies for Success

Teaching English Language Learner (ELL) newcomers can be both rewarding and challenging. One of the main challenges is the constant influx of new students, each with their own unique academic backgrounds and home languages. However, these challenges are balanced by the assets these students bring, such as life experiences and a strong desire to learn.

In my classroom this year, three major challenges have emerged. The first is motivation and engagement, which can be difficult for some students. Despite efforts to create a conducive learning environment, motivation remains a struggle for a few. One strategy I have recently implemented is goal-setting, which has shown some positive results in increasing engagement and academic success.

Another challenge is reading comprehension, as highlighted by the National Geographic online assessment used in our district. To address this, I have introduced additional activities such as group reading sessions and the use of online reading programs like Raz-Kids. Early indications suggest that these additions have had a positive impact on a significant portion of the class.

The third challenge is sentence structure, with a considerable number of students facing difficulties in this area. To address this, I have started using “Sentence Navigators” to help students improve their understanding of English sentence structure. While it is still too early to assess the effectiveness of this approach, I remain hopeful that it will yield positive results.

Overall, these challenges require ongoing efforts and strategies to support the learning needs of ELL newcomers. By addressing issues related to motivation, reading comprehension, and sentence structure, we aim to provide a supportive and engaging learning environment for all students. Wish us luck as we continue to work towards overcoming these challenges.

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