Parenting Tips: Learning Science with Dr. Bror Saxberg

In this week’s episode of Trending in Education, host Mike Palmer engages in an insightful conversation with learning science expert Bror Saxberg. As the founder of Learning Forge, Saxberg possesses a wealth of knowledge on how learning occurs in the brain, and he imparts his expertise in this episode by applying that knowledge to parenting.

Right from the outset, Bror emphasizes the significance of “serve and return” interactions with babies and toddlers. By responding to a child’s vocalizations, gestures, and interests with talk, touch, and emotion, parents play a vital role in building essential communication circuitry in their children’s brains. Exposing children to language during these early years yields significant benefits in the long run.

Saxberg also warns about the detrimental effects of prolonged stress, which can flood young brains with cortisol and hinder learning. Establishing a peaceful, low-stress home environment enables a child’s brain to flourish.

As children enter school age, it becomes crucial to leverage their working memory and long-term memory. Consistent practice of fundamental skills such as reading, writing, and math helps move these skills into long-term memory, freeing up working memory for higher-order thinking.

The teenage years present another opportunity, as adolescent brains are primed for social motivation and abstract thinking. Engaging teens in meaningful discussions about real-world issues fosters critical thinking skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Regarding motivation, Saxberg outlines four key barriers that parents and teachers should address: not perceiving value in an activity, feeling incompetent, attributing difficulties to external factors, and grappling with challenging emotions. The solutions involve establishing relevance, building confidence, honing problem-solving skills, and providing emotional support.

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Lastly, Saxberg advocates for open communication between parents and teachers to align approaches for motivation, skill development, and meeting social-emotional needs. Consistency between home and school learning accelerates student success.

This summary only scratches the surface of the practical parenting advice Saxberg shares. Be sure not to miss this enlightening episode to learn more techniques for parent-child interactions that optimize learning throughout our lives.

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Episode References

Engineering Motivation Using the Belief-Expectancy-Control Framework || Interdisciplinary Education and Psychology || Rivera Publications. (n.d.). Retrieved January 22, 2024, from