Opinion: Donald Trump Could Benefit from School Shooter Training


What if Donald Trump were to participate in school shooter trainings? This teacher believes it is necessary.

Former President Donald Trump has nearly faced assassination attempts by two deranged individuals with guns, who happened to be white Republicans, on two separate occasions. A third instance also appeared to be quite alarming. Trump’s concerns have escalated to the point where he has requested a military helicopter for his protection. Many of Trump’s supporters seem to attribute the core issue not to guns or divisive rhetoric, but rather to what Trump labels as “evil” and “sick” individuals, specifically “leftists.”

As a public school teacher, I can empathize with Trump’s fears. I have experienced the loss of former students due to gun violence, as well as having a high school friend’s husband tragically killed in the San Bernardino mass shooting. Lockdown drills have become a regular occurrence, each time instilling a sense of unease as another individual believes they possess the ultimate truth.

While kids and teachers have ample time to address the potential threats we face, Trump does not have the luxury of time with the upcoming election. If he emerges victorious on November 5th, he will have access to the full protection of the Secret Service. Until then, Trump cannot afford to take any risks with his safety.

Therefore, I propose that Donald Trump undergo the same school shooter training and preparation that he and his closest advisors have long advocated for teachers and students.

Trump Should Invest in Personal Safety Measures

To begin, Trump should invest in personal safety equipment. While his transparent bulletproof barrier is a good start, it only provides basic protection. Perhaps Trump could consider purchasing a $400 bulletproof backpack from “Bulletproof Zone” for additional security. While such items may be financially out of reach for many students and teachers, Trump certainly has the means to afford them. Additionally, there are various online stores like School Safety Solutions offering a range of safety products such as lockdown shades, bleeding tourniquets, bulletproof whiteboards, door barriers, and even kitty litter for extended sheltering situations.

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While these measures may seem excessive, the current reality of gun violence, as acknowledged by figures like JD Vance, necessitates such precautions. I believe Trump should heed the advice of his running mate for his own protection.

Trump Should Consider Carrying a Firearm, along with His Rally Attendees

Trump has long advocated for arming teachers, stating that firearms should be in the hands of those proficient in their use, such as teachers and coaches. It is time for him to practice what he preaches. Just as I stand in front of my class teaching, Trump stands before his rally attendees delivering speeches. Imagine the scenario of a shooter appearing on a rooftop – a swift response from armed rally attendees could potentially avert a tragedy.

Even in the absence of a fully armed crowd, it is imperative for Trump’s personal safety that he carries a firearm. Trump has expressed his willingness to confront a school shooter directly, even unarmed. Just envision the added layer of protection if he were armed in such situations.

I believe there is no better time for Trump to exhibit his patriotic courage than at his rallies or any public event where his safety may be compromised. It is always better to be prepared and armed, as Trump advocates for others like myself during school duties.

Trump Should Prioritize Tactical Safety Measures

Lastly, Trump should heed the advice of his supporters in Congress and prioritize tactical safety measures. Private companies now offer combat access bleeding control stations, combat application tourniquets, and sim limb kits for severe injuries caused by firearms. Such measures are essential for Trump’s rallies where the risk of injuries or fatalities is present.

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In conclusion, Donald Trump’s safety is paramount. Until he can access the full protection of the US Secret Service, he remains vulnerable. However, he can take proactive steps to enhance his safety by following his own advice and investing in personal safety measures for the next few weeks.

It is always better to be safe than sorry.

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