Lesson Learned from the Election: The Importance of Teaching Truth

Peter Greene raises the question of how teachers can uphold honesty and evidence in a society where the president embodies the opposite values. He expresses concern about the rise of a post-truth society under the new administration.

He emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between truths based on reality and evidence, and views that are rooted in fabrication and falsehoods. The author criticizes the false narrative surrounding Trump’s character and actions, highlighting his criminal behavior and lack of integrity.

Greene acknowledges that some supporters may view Trump in a transactional manner, using him for personal gain. However, he points out that a significant portion of voters have chosen to believe in Trump’s lies, despite evidence to the contrary.

The author expresses alarm at the success of disinformation and alternative facts in shaping public opinion. He laments the disregard for consensus reality, facts, and science, noting the dangerous precedent set by leaders who prioritize falsehoods over truth.

Greene reflects on the challenges faced by educators in a society where truth is increasingly subjective. He emphasizes the importance of teaching critical thinking skills and evidence-based reasoning in the face of widespread misinformation.

Ultimately, the author underscores the vital role of educators in guiding students towards a reality-based understanding of the world, despite the prevalence of falsehoods and deception in the current political climate.

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