Early statistics indicate a surge in applications to law schools

Law school applications are expected to increase this year based on early predictive data from the Law School Admissions Council.

The data indicates a 35.5 percent increase in applications compared to the same time last year. Although this gap may narrow by the end of the cycle, as this year’s applicants had a head start. In 2023, law schools postponed opening their applications to review admissions practices following the Supreme Court’s affirmative action decision.

Despite this, a significant increase in applications is anticipated. The number of students taking the LSAT has risen by nearly 4,000 compared to last fall, reaching a total of 14,233—higher than in any of the past five admissions cycles at this point.

Interest in law school surged in 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and workforce disruptions, prompting students to explore alternative postgraduate paths. Application rates have since declined each year. If the early indicators are accurate, this could be the first cycle since then to show a similar level of interest.

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