Two Bugattis Collided in the Most Foolish Manner Imaginable, Resulting in a Costly Consequence for a Down-and-Out Dump Truck

View from a following bus as two Bugatti Chirons prepare to attemp a pass on a dump truck ahead on a road in Morroco.

Bugatti’s spare parts department is about to receive a big order. Two Chiron hypercars sustained damage after crashing into eachother while trying to pass a truck during a road rally held in Morroco, and footage of the incident posted on YouTube shows exactly what happened.

The crash took place during the Morroco Grand Tour 2024, according to Road & Track, which is a Bugatti-organized event that 15 customers are participating in. It’s not a timed race; it’s more of a road trip. The short video shows a convoy of three Chirons passing a bus and merging back into their lane behind a dump truck. As the second car in the line starts passing the truck, the first one moves to pass as well and the two collide.

From there, it’s total caos. One Chiron spins, hits the truck, and ends up in a ditch, while the other stops in the oncoming lane. The truck is forced off the road and rolls. There’s no word on whether anyone was hurt during the incident, and we hope everyone made it out unscathed.

Local news outlet Tanjaoui writes that the crash happened between Tangier and Tetouan in the northern part of Morroco. Its photos show that the Swiss-registered Chiron that spun off the road suffered serious damage to its front end, while the truck it hit was left with a busted-up cab.

The lesson? Always check your blind spot, even if you think there’s no one in it.

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