Dr. Amir Khan: Antibiotics are ineffective against lurgy

Dr Khan emphasized that antibiotics are ineffective and shared his top 5 tips for combating the common cold.

Speaking on his TikTok channel, he explained that individuals can take preventive measures to avoid catching the current viral infections circulating in the UK.

Dr Khan mentioned that in most cases, the immune system should be able to fight off the infection, but he provided tips to prevent getting sick in the first place.

In the video, he stated: “We are seeing a high number of viral infections, colds, and flus, and as doctors, there isn’t much we can do since antibiotics are ineffective and the immune system will eventually defeat the viruses. However, here are five things we can do to reduce the risk of catching these illnesses.”

One of the key tips is maintaining personal hygiene. Dr Khan advised: “First and foremost, wash your hands regularly, especially before eating or handling food, as well as after using the restroom.

“It may seem obvious, but it is crucial. Avoid touching your face, especially after coming into contact with someone who has a cold, as cold viruses are primarily spread through droplets that can transfer onto your hands.”

Since cold viruses enter the body through the head, Dr Khan recommended avoiding touching your face: “Secondly, try to refrain from touching your face frequently. Cold viruses can easily spread from our hands to our eyes, nose, or mouth, so be mindful and avoid this habit whenever possible.”

The third tip is to keep your living space clean; “Cold viruses can survive on common surfaces like doorknobs, so consider disinfecting frequently touched surfaces in your home and workplace.”

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Dr Khan also mentioned that while soap and water are the best option, alcohol-based sanitizer can be a good alternative: “Although soap and water are preferred, using hand sanitizers with alcohol is better than nothing.”

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Lastly, maintaining overall health is crucial and can be achieved through a balanced lifestyle.

Dr Khan recommended: “Maintain a healthy immune system by getting enough sleep, eating a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and staying active to prepare your body to fight off germs. These three factors are incredibly important.

“Additionally, if you have a cold, do not spread it. Stay at home, cover your coughs and sneezes with tissues, dispose of them properly, and wash your hands immediately.”

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