Report on antisemitism investigation in higher education released by House

Report on antisemitism investigation in higher education released by House

“Congress can certainly shine a light on issues, and they have the ability to hold hearings and put pressure on institutions, but ultimately the enforcement of these laws is up to the executive branch,” Fansmith said. “It’s important that Congress not overstep its bounds.” He added that the report’s focus on a handful of incidents … Read more

Analyzing Student Performance in Online Learning Platforms

Analyzing Student Performance in Online Learning Platforms

Learning analytics involves the collection, analysis, and reporting of data related to a learner and their learning environment in order to enhance learning experiences. By tracking learner activities, quiz performance, engagement levels, and behavioral patterns in the digital realm, learning analytics provides valuable insights that can inform decision-making and improve learner outcomes. The use of … Read more

Exploring Science, Mastery, and the Evolving Workplace with Dr. Bror Saxberg

Exploring Science, Mastery, and the Evolving Workplace with Dr. Bror Saxberg

In this episode, host Michael Palmer welcomes back Dr. Bror Saxberg, Founder of LearningForge, to continue their exploration of learning and its implications for the future. They delve into key concepts such as working memory versus long-term memory, deliberate practice, the 10,000-hour rule, and the latest research findings on differences and similarities in learning rates. … Read more

U.K. university history departments facing job cuts and course reductions

U.K. university history departments facing job cuts and course reductions

History departments in the U.K., especially in post-92 universities, are facing significant cuts, potentially leading to the subject being dominated by elite institutions, warns a report by the Royal Historical Society (RHS). The report highlights a growing gap between the popularity of history as a subject and the job security of historians in U.K. universities. … Read more

Effective Strategies for Marketing Enterprise Software

Effective Strategies for Marketing Enterprise Software

Launching new software in the market can be a daunting task, but it is a necessary step for SaaS startups to succeed. An enterprise software marketing strategy involves all the steps and techniques needed to create brand awareness, identify target markets and customers, launch campaigns, and measure their effectiveness. Marketing enterprise software is complex and … Read more

California educators navigating a divisive presidential election

California educators navigating a divisive presidential election

In the lead-up to this week’s election, California history and social studies teachers have approached covering the presidential campaign with caution and confidence. A recent EdSource survey of these teachers revealed that most included instruction about the presidential election in their courses, despite the challenges of teaching politics in a polarized and misinformation-filled environment. Rachel … Read more