Dolly Parton Reflects on Dolly the Sheep’s Death and Discusses Cloning Concerns

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us, Dolly. Your resilience and positivity are truly inspiring. It’s clear that your upbringing and personal values have shaped you into the remarkable artist and person you are today. Your music has touched the hearts of many, and your authenticity shines through in everything you do. Keep sparkling and spreading joy wherever you go!

I’m not a biker chick!

Your previous album, Rockstar, was in many ways a homage to other artists you admire. Your new album, Dolly Parton and Family: Smoky Mountain DNA – Family, Faith and Fables, not only highlights the family musical roots in the Great Smoky Mountains, but is a showcase for other talented family members. I am beginning to worry that these two albums are a wrapping-up exercise and that you’re planning to retire. Please tell me I’m wrong. SpottedRichard
Oh, my Lord, I can’t retire. I always say I’ve dreamed myself into a corner. I’ve got to keep all those dreams alive. Every dream spins off into some something else. It’s misinformation when I said I was not touring any more. I still do shows – I just don’t go on the full-blown tours where I go overseas for weeks. I’m older, my husband’s older, and I want to be with him more. So, no. I couldn’t retire if I wanted to. And I don’t want to.

Dolly Wines are available at Asda. The album Dolly Parton and Family: Smoky Mountain DNA – Family, Faith and Fables is released 15 November

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