Can a community college drive regional transformation and foster its own growth? Will voters support it?

LOCKHART, Texas — Last year, Alfonso Sifuentes found himself on a bus tour organized by the chamber of commerce to explore the future of the Central Texas region south of Austin. During the tour, there was discussion about San Marcos, a suburb along Interstate 35, rejecting an expansion of Austin Community College due to concerns about property tax increases. As he sat on the bus, Sifuentes, a local businessman in the waste management industry, expressed interest in bringing the college to his hometown of Lockhart. He boldly declared, “Well, if San Marcos doesn’t want it, Lockhart will take it.”

This November, the college is proposing to voters in the Lockhart Independent School District to contribute to the Austin Community College taxing district. In return, residents would receive in-district tuition rates and pave the way for the development of college facilities in the region. This move is seen as a strategic step to tap into the economic growth of the area between Austin and San Antonio.

Community colleges have historically played a key role in economic recovery, and ACC’s potential expansion into Lockhart could showcase the impact colleges can have on emerging economies. However, convincing enough residents to support the initiative remains a challenge.

Caldwell County, situated between the bustling metropolitan areas of Austin and San Antonio, boasts small communities with a low cost of living and ample space for growth. Lockhart, known as the barbecue capital of Texas, is a popular destination with a vibrant town square hosting various community events. While the county’s population is relatively small compared to neighboring urban areas, it offers opportunities for industry, housing, and potential educational growth.

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The proposal to bring ACC to Lockhart reflects a trend of colleges adapting to meet the needs of emerging economies and diverse student populations. Maria Cormier, a senior research associate, emphasizes the importance of designing expansions with equity in mind to provide diverse pathways for students, especially those from marginalized backgrounds.

ACC’s potential expansion into Lockhart follows a series of annexations in neighboring communities, with a focus on providing affordable education and workforce development opportunities. The initiative was sparked by a community-led petition and has garnered support from residents eager to access higher education and training programs.

The ballot proposal entails homeowners paying an average of $232.54 per year in exchange for in-district services, including discounted tuition rates. ACC aims to support the region’s economic growth by providing affordable education and workforce training tailored to meet local industry demands.

The college’s three-phase service plan includes expanded offerings, evening classes, and the development of a permanent facility aligned with workforce needs. ACC officials are considering converting a historic building in downtown Lockhart into a college campus, symbolizing the blend of tradition and progress.

Local leaders, including Lockhart ISD officials, view the college’s expansion as a catalyst for community development and educational attainment. The proposal has garnered support from key stakeholders, with endorsements from the mayor and school superintendent highlighting the broader benefits it could bring to the region.

Despite the conservative nature of Caldwell County, proponents of the annexation are optimistic about the potential benefits for residents and the community as a whole. The initiative aims to address educational gaps and provide opportunities for residents to pursue new careers and passions.

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As the community prepares to vote on the proposal, supporters remain hopeful that the enthusiasm shown during the signature collection process will translate into support at the polls. The potential expansion of ACC into Lockhart represents a significant opportunity for residents to access affordable education and training programs tailored to meet local workforce needs.

This story about Austin Community College was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit news organization focused on education. Join us today to support our work in keeping educators and the public informed about pressing issues in education.