General Kelly Belittled by Trump’s Supporters, Says Sarah Longwell

General John Kelly initially chose to remain silent about his experiences in the Oval Office during his time as Trump’s chief of staff. However, when Trump threatened to deploy the military against his critics, Kelly felt compelled to speak out. Sarah Longwell, a former Republican turned Never Trumper and publisher of The Bulwark, addressed the criticism of General Kelly by Trump’s defenders.

In her article on The Bulwark, Longwell highlighted the response of Trump’s loyalists to Kelly’s revelations. She noted that when Kelly went public about Trump’s admiration for Hitler and concerns about a potential dictatorial second term, he joined a growing list of former Trump officials sounding the alarm. Despite this, Trump’s defenders rushed to dismiss Kelly’s claims and attack his credibility.

Longwell pointed out the dismissive reactions from individuals like Scott Jennings, Ryan James Girdusky, Brian Kilmeade, and Mike Davis, who sought to downplay Kelly’s revelations. She emphasized the dangerous pattern of Trump’s allies trying to undermine the credibility of those speaking out against him, in an effort to deflect from the serious accusations being made.

Longwell highlighted the importance of taking these accusations seriously, as they are backed up by the actions and statements of Trump himself. She referenced incidents such as Trump’s derogatory comments about John McCain, his praise for Hitler’s generals, and his role in inciting the January 6th Capitol riot. Longwell argued that the claims made by Kelly and other former officials should not be dismissed, as they reflect a larger pattern of concerning behavior exhibited by Trump.

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Longwell urged for a recognition of the truth presented by Kelly and other former officials, emphasizing the need to acknowledge the dangers posed by Trump. She called on other responsible individuals who served in Trump’s administration to come forward and offer their honest assessments, in order to convey the severity of the situation to disengaged voters.

As the election approaches, Longwell stressed the importance of not allowing Kelly’s revelations to be brushed aside as mere campaign fodder. She warned against doubting the evidence presented by individuals like Kelly, and emphasized the need for honesty in addressing the threat posed by Trump.

Longwell also pointed out that Trump’s defenders seek to sow doubt and confusion, in an attempt to undermine the credibility of those speaking out against Trump. She cautioned against allowing this tactic to succeed, as it would be a stain on our political system akin to electing Trump himself.

In an addendum, Longwell mentioned the scathing comment made by Trump’s first Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson, who referred to Trump as a “f—— moron.” This additional insight further underscores the concerns raised by Kelly and other former officials about Trump’s character and behavior.

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