The Significance of Project 2025 for American Schools


Project 2025 could have a detrimental impact on America, especially on public schools and our children.

“I know nothing about Project 2025. I have no idea who is behind it.”

Former President Donald Trump made this statement last month, but given his track record of dishonesty, it’s hard to believe him. Trump has been clear about his stance on public schools, famously stating that he “loves the poorly educated.”

Looking beyond Trump’s lies, the real concern is what Project 2025 means for America, particularly for public schools and our children. For those who are not familiar with Project 2025, here is a brief overview of what you need to know.

What is Project 2025?

Project 2025 is an initiative led by the ultra-conservative Heritage Foundation, with an advisory board consisting of over 100 conservative groups. The project aims to overhaul government institutions through four main pillars: a policy guide, a list of loyalists for Trump’s potential second term, a training manual for these individuals, and a list of radical actions for Trump’s hypothetical 180 days in office.

Of these pillars, the last one poses the greatest threat to schools.

Schooling Variety Pack

One of the key goals of Project 2025 is to transform schools into what Betsy Devos once described as “taco trucks.” This would entail replacing public schools nationwide with “educational entrepreneurs” and philanthropists like Kanye West and Betsy Devos. The result would be a proliferation of pop-up schools, virtual charters, segregated private schools, and basement schools.

The end of federal protections for LGBTQ+

Project 2025 not only aims to dismantle public schools but also to strip away the constitutional rights of marginalized groups, particularly LGBTQ+ individuals. This could lead to schools selectively admitting students based on discriminatory criteria, removing LGBTQ+ content from curricula, and erasing the existence of LGBTQ+ individuals altogether.

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Reduction in loan subsidies for college tuition

Proponents of Project 2025 deny the existence of educational inequality and advocate for reductions in loan subsidies for college students. This could make it even harder for underprivileged students to access higher education, perpetuating cycles of poverty.

The end of IDEA

Project 2025 threatens to roll back the progress made by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), potentially depriving students with disabilities of a fair education.

The elimination of TITLE 1

Another concerning aspect of Project 2025 is the proposed elimination of Title 1 funding for schools. This funding is crucial for addressing budget shortfalls in schools serving disadvantaged communities and providing essential programs and services for students.

Elimination of the Department of Education

Perhaps the most alarming aspect of Project 2025 is its plan to abolish the Department of Education, a move that would eliminate crucial protections for students and leave them vulnerable to discrimination and exploitation.

The objectives of Project 2025 are deeply troubling, as they threaten to undermine the progress made in ensuring equal access to education for all students. Regardless of a child’s background or identity, education should be a right afforded to everyone. However, if Trump is reelected in 2025, these fundamental principles could be in jeopardy.